
VIZR Visions - Die Neuro-Realitäts-Perspektive

VIZR Visions – The Neuro Reality Perspective THE BASIC MESSAGE: First Language is a coded sharing of mechanical vibrations and electromagnetic radiations, of sound and light. VIZR VISIONS are the neurological expressions of the electromagnetic radiations we experience as “light”. They are SIGNALS managed by “ORGANIC CODES” embedded in our organism that convey life enhancing […]

Apophänie: Ganzheitliche Einsicht oder trügerisches Missverständnis

Apophenia: Holistic Insight or Deluded Misunderstanding FOREWORD: Choose one: there is no meaning outside of the human perception of meaning; everything has implicit meaning and the world speaks in symbols. Depending on which one you chose (#1 or #2), this topic will strike you in different ways. Your choice points towards certain axioms that you […]

Mag Ihr Gehirn Überraschungen?

Does Your Brain Like SURPRISES? In my most recent article, I asked the question “Is Your Brain an Anarchist?”  I also promised a little more detail related to this curious concept…well, here is the next course in the multi-course dinner.  Remember, the chefs for the day are the extraordinary Karl Friston (Free Energy Principle) and […]

Ist Brain Entrainment das Gleiche wie Meditation?

Is Brain Entrainment the Same as Meditation? In May, 1973, the cover of Elementary Electronics magazine boldly displayed a beautiful woman laid back with a primitive device strapped to her forehead as she “tuned in” to her alpha brainwaves.  It was the era of exciting promise that built almost spectacular claims around two emerging modalities […]

Meditation und was wir von der Wissenschaft lernen

Meditation & What We are Learning from Science INTRODUCTION: In the past 50 years in Western culture there has been an impressive growth of interest in the process of meditation.  The techniques first encountered the Western mind in the religious forms of Japanese Zen, Hindu Yogas, SE Asian Vipassana, Chinese Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism.  Bit […]

Über Neuroplastische Veränderungen in Ihrem Gehirn - Es sollte Spaß machen!

About Neuroplastic Change in Your Brain – It Better Be Fun! If your brain is not working well, you are pretty much screwed.  The good news (you have probably heard) is that even the adult brain can improve if given a chance with proper stimulation techniques. Here is a (little technical) information on how to […]

Der Reiz von flackernden Lagerfeuern und Feuerstellen

The Allure of Flickering Campfires and Fireplaces Whether you sit back in your favorite chair with your feet near the fireplace during a cold winter night or gather around the campfire for a quiet moment near your tent – there has always been something so comforting, even mesmerizing about the flickering flames of the fire.  […]

Connectome Harmonics - So ein schöner Name

Connectome Harmonics – Such a Gorgeous Name The brilliant physicist, Richard Feynman (deceased 1988) is quoted as saying…”If someone says they understand quantum physics, it means they don’t understand quantum physics.” I may paraphrase the legendary Mr. Feynman by saying…”If someone says they understand the human brain, it means they don’t understand the human brain.” […]

Stapeln Sie Ihre Neuroplastizitätsmethode

Stack your Neuroplasticity Method Whether you are using the First Language NeuroVIZR device or some other brain neuroplastic stimulation technique. Try this powerful yet easy to do exercise: 1) If you are younger, face to the east and if you are older, face to the north.  The east direction radiates a stronger violet pranic energy […]