About Neuroplastic Change in Your Brain - It Better Be Fun!

If your brain is not working well, you are pretty much screwed. 

The good news (you have probably heard) is that even the adult brain can improve if given a chance with proper stimulation techniques.

Here is a (little technical) information on how to expect your brain to respond to good Neuroplastic methods:

1)     Functional Neuroplasticity:

a.     Takes place in “moments” (seconds to minutes to hours);

b.     Preexisting under-functioning synaptic connections that already exist are aroused into higher levels of efficient function;

c.      Related physical neuronal pathways already exist;

d.     Anatomically, each neuron has upwards to 10,000 dendritic synaptic connections;

e.     Analogy: the routes and roads already exist but have not been used much for a period of time.

2)     Synaptic Neuroplasticity:

a.     Takes place over days to weeks;

b.     New and different synaptic pathways are created to accommodate new demands;

c.      Related physical neuronal pathways already exist.

d.     Analogy: the roads already exist but new different routes are created using the same roads.

3)     Neuronal Neuroplasticity:

a.     Takes place over months;

b.     New and different physical nerves (neurons) are created to allow the new synaptic connections and patterns.

c.      Analogy:  for the new routes to be created, new roads must be built.

4)     Systemic Neuroplasticity:

a.     Takes place over years;

b.     The new physical neurons and their evolving signal connections and pathways are integrated into all of the global systemic metabolic, adaptation and self-regulatory aspects of the organism as a whole.

c.      Analogy: the new roads and routes are incorporated into the entire city transport system with adaptations in traffic flow and commuting patterns.

As you can see, the neuroplastic process in your brain takes place in steps and stages over time if the stimulation is continuous and regular. 

Because the brain is the body and the body is the brain…it should come as no surprise that brain neuroplastic stimulation techniques work pretty much the same as physical exercises. 

Regularity with a reasonable level of stimulation gets the job down.

I used to be asked “what kind of physical exercise is the best?” 

My response,

“that’s easy – the best one is one that you are going to actually do!”. 

So, when choosing a brain neuroplastic method, choose one that is easy enough to do without a grudge and hopefully is enjoyable enough that you are attracted to doing it. 

After all, pleasure is its own reward.


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