

Mind States

These sessions are intentionally designed with a specific theme, purpose, or intent. They can serve as “Help Right Now” stimulation to generate positive short-term Mind STATES while also establishing a solid foundation for positive long-term Mind TRAITS through neuroplastic changes in the brain.

These sessions are designed to coax your brain into certain “Probability States” of mind.

Think of the experiences as “brain exercise disguised as entertainment.” To get the most benefit, do some of the Guided Breathing both before and after the Light/Sound experience.

Like any exercise, some regularity generates the best results.

Our brain is physical just as our entire body. In a way, it is strange to discuss the brain as though it is separate from the soma/body. So much of what we know about the wellness of our soma/body also applies to our brain. Our soma needs a variety of activities in order to perform at a higher level of efficiency. So does our brain.

To keep it simple, let’s consider the brain and mind to be a unified expression. Different brain states and different mind states have an intimate relationship. The sessions found in the Mind States Collection explore this relationship with experiences of integrated light and sound brain signaling. Each session is designed with a particular intent, theme or purpose (technically called a “vector”). Consider a simple analogy – a musician decides to compose an instrumental song – no lyrics, not even a title. The musician has a certain “intention” as to what sort of feeling he/she wants to express – perhaps sadness. The listener, when hearing the song (without any explanation from the musician) will likely have the “feeling” or emotion of sadness or grief grow as they listen to the “sad song.” Technically, this sad song is just a collection of notes, rhythms, pitches, timbres and so on – yet it can successfully conjure up a “feeling state” that is not the result of thinking or ideas.

There no guarantee that the listener will experience “sadness” but it is very “probable” that they will do so. This principle is true of all of the sessions in the Mind States Collection. Each session is built upon neurological light/sound signaling that has the ability to generate “probability states”. These experiences will cause a short term and temporary Mind STATE. Over time and if repeated, the brain will learn more how to rest in this STATE and slowly begin to create a long term and learned Mind TRAIT. as a result of actual neuroplastic change in the brain. So, the sessions in Mind States can be used as “Help Right Now” stimulation for positive short term Mind STATES as well as laying the foundation for positive long term Mind TRAITS.

1) How do I know which session to use?

Understandably, the menu of Mind State sessions can look like a box of assorted chocolates (personally, I don’t like the coconut ones). You will notice that the sessions are divided into “themes.” Start there. You can be attracted by a need you have or simply what looks interesting. Other than the theme category, the actual session name and little description is pretty helpful in making a choice. Keep in mind that all the Mind States sessions are offered in two versions – the Standard and the Lite. The Lite version is similar in effects to the Standard version but the challenge aspect is toned down to make for an easier “ride” for some users. All good.

2) Is the experience the same for every person?

It is good to consider the “probability state” concept. For example, you watch a comedy movie and have a big laugh. For you, it is very humorous, even hilarious so you recommend it to a friend. There is no guarantee they will find it as funny as you – there is just a “probability” of a similar response. Even for you, the same movie may not be as funny again because it also depends on your mood at the time.

3) I felt kind of dizzy at the end of the session. Is that OK?

The light/sound experience takes place within your brain which is a big difference from our normal open eyes and ears sensory habits. When the light/sound ends is actually the beginning of an important phase of neurological integration. Please give your brain a little time to begin to “digest” this dynamic information. Including some Guided Breathing at the end of the light/sound is a huge benefit as well. If no breathing, simply give time to feel your entire body and let your awareness merge with all the body sensations. The main reason for dizziness is rushing out of the light/sound experience too quickly.

Routines Book

This is your personal guide to a better brain

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